1727 04 17 : Receipt for building work at Barronwood House

A neat and clean receipt for building costs for Barronwood House and Edenhall, Cumbria. 8” x 6”. Tho RICHARDSON & Geo DIXON Bulding Barronwood hows & Edenhall Remens 5 – 1 – 6 17 Aprll 1727 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [lots of scribbled calculations – not transcribed] £ s d 751/3 Square of Timber at 4s-4d. per Square is 16 : 06 : 5 461/9 Square of Timber at 2s -2d per Square is 05 : 00 : 1½ in all 21 : 06 : 6½ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Barronwood hows 5 – 15 – 0 Edenhall Bulding per Bill 21 – 6 – 6½ ———————— Totell 27 : 1 : 6½ Payd before 22 – 0 – 0 ———————— Remens due 5 : 1 : 6½ 17 Aprll 1727 Red of Geo GIBSON before 22 pound and now five pound one Shill and Six pence in all Twenty Seven pound one Shill and Six pence all for Sr Chr MUSGRAVE Brt use wee Say Red in full by us [signed] Thomas RICHARDSON 5 – 1 – 6 [signed] George DIXON