Fletcher, Peter, of Cork Lane, Dublin (-1698)
Tanner. Son of William and Ann Fletcher of Mockerkin in Loweswater. Widow Sarah. One daughter Sarah.
“Indenture dated 7 June 1698 whereby Peter Fletcher of Corke Lane in parish of St. Katherine’s in suburbs of city of Dublin, tanner, granted all his read and personal estate upon trust to George Rooke, Meath Street, baker, George Newland, Meath Street, clothier and Amos Strettle, Back Lane, Dublin, linen draper, for his natural life. After his death said trustees are to pay legacies to his eldest brother Lancelot Fletcher, his brother Thomas Fletcher, his sister Jane Fletcher, widow, his sister Mary Robinson, his sister Anna Watson, to James Dickason of Rogeres Scoall, in Cumberland, to Grace Bibby, servant of said Peter Fletcher. All residue to his wife Sarah and their daughter Sarah.
Witnesses; Joseph Littledale, Barnard Dungan, Thomas Sisson, notary public.
Account of Peter Fletcher’s goods valued 18th of 5th month 1698 by Robert Jackson, Roger Roberts and Richard Towson. Furniture, bedding etc.; pieces of leather, e.g. “179 sole hides tand. and in tanning £153.15.5” “257 calf skins £25.4.9.” Among the few debts owed by Peter Fletcher is “Pole tax £1.10.0.”