Navigation and Passwords
Navigation and Passwords
There are three basic principles:
- click on the image or name link in the upper right corner to go up a collection level;
- click on the collection summary underneath to go the an item in the current collection;
- always click on first item in a collection. This may have additional information, including instruction about what the Custom Google Search is searching.
Pictures are presented in a variety of ways. Just click on an image to see what happens. Quite often a gallery will rotate through a sequence of images, quite often an image will appear in a 'lightbox'. You can always right-click on images to save them and look at them with your own software.
Some sections have passwords. This is usually because they contain images - if they aren't behind a barrier, they count as being published world-wide (which creates copyright and image-fees problems). The passwords are:
for probate: probate
for pardshaw: pardshaw
for tithes: tithes
All password requests are case sensitive. All passwords are lower-case (i.e. no capital letters).
If you arrive at a password-protected page and no password request block appears, then your browser is at fault. This happens with very old or non-updated versions of Internet Explorer. Either update, or use another browser like Firefox, Chrome, or Opera.